News & Press
McWane Ductile Announces Expansion in Coshocton County
Collaboration among multiple state entities secures $21.5 million investment in ductile iron operation
Company Name: McWane, Inc.
Location: Coshocton
Site Region: Southeast
Industry Sector: Advanced Manufacturing
Company Profile: McWane’s operations in Coshocton oversee a ductile water pipe division, plus another facility that manufacturers utility poles.
Company Website:
Project Summary:
Type of Project: Expansion
- Jobs committed: 50
- Jobs retained: 522
Capital Investment: $21,500,000
Timetable: The company expects to hire its workers in 2023.
Company Need:
McWane Ductile Ohio was looking to grow its operations and upgrade its equipment at 2266 South Sixth Street, Coshocton Ohio 43812. An additional annealing oven and two additional casting machines in addition to the new workers will grow its operations.
"The opportunities afforded by this partnership cannot be overstated, and we are proud to work with JobsOhio, Ohio Southeast Economic Development, and the Coshocton Port Authority to take this important step toward our state’s shared vision for long-term economic resilience. By tying capital investments to job growth, these incentives provide a win-win, strengthening Ohio’s market competitiveness while fortifying ourCoshocton workforce to sustain their families and our local economy"
- Tom Crawford, McWane Ductile General Manager
Why Ohio?
McWane Ductile has selected Ohio for expansion and job creation because of Ohio’s strong, qualified talent. The proposed TAS support will address the company's biggest concern for continued viability and success, a pipeline of skilled employment candidates. Ohio’s location also provides access to market that McWane values.
JobsOhio, Ohio Southeast Economic Development, Coshocton County Port Authority